Thursday, October 31, 2019

Nutrition Case Study Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Nutrition Case Study - Assignment Example From the table above, it can be concluded that carbohydrates intake by HB is above nutritional requirements and she needs to reduce the amount of intakes. In addition, the amount of protein intake is just enough to accomplish nutritional needs while the amount of fats intakes is also higher than the nutritional needs and should be reduced. c. Despite the use of foodstuffs that result into attainment of high value nutrients, there are certain foods that are not provided thus it will not be easy to obtain certain nutrients. The main nutrient that is missing from the food combination is corn floor that is rich in calcium. Thus it will not be possible to obtain calcium from the food combination. b. The most important facts that need to be known about this drug is that the user needs to keep the blood sugar from getting too low, that are likely to result into a condition called hypoglycemia. In addition, people need to be aware of symptoms of blood sugar such as increased thirst, loss of appetite, increased urination and vomiting or nausea. c. This medication is taken in the exact way in which it was prescribed. It is mainly used as an injection under the skin. The specifications for use are usually given by the doctor or pharmacist with regards to where injection should be done. d. There are certain actions that are taken in case of under-dose or overdose. In order to avoid a missed dose, it is important to ensure that the user eats the right amounts of meals within 30 to 60 minutes of the dose. In case the user overdoses, it is necessary to ensure the user seeks the right medical attention since too much of this drug can cause life-threatening hypoglycemia. The symptoms of this condition include weaknesses, blurred vision, sweating and convulsions. f. This drug does not have any direct impacts on nutrients in that are consumed by the user.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Jim Morrison by Kelly Larson Essay Example for Free

Jim Morrison by Kelly Larson Essay Jim Morrison by Kelly Larson 1943-1971 There are many figures in music that make them a household name, Jim Douglas Morrison, the lead singer of The Doors a popular rock group in the late 60s who died at a very young age, has made him just this. Jim Morrison was in the only extremely progressive rock bands of that time, experimenting with synthesizers, and new ways to play the otherwise boring guitar; this band the doors was truly something else. Many people thought that Jim was a genius others thought he was a fool. He had very public arrest and court trail about exposing himself to a crowd in 1969 raised increasing questions about his actual death in 1971. Jim Morrison set new ways to write music and poems for the new avant-garde generation that would follow in the years to come. He would inspire some of the most successful musicians many years after his death. In death Jim was perceived more than just a rock star he was now a legend. Jim Douglas Morrison was born on December 8th, 1943 in Melbourne Florida, what is now cape Kennedy naval base. Jims father Steve Morrison was from Florida; in high school he was a gymnast and a cheerleader. He entered the Second World War but never actually fought. He met Jims mother Clara in Honolulu Hawaii in 1941, at a naval dance. Clara was Steves opposite; he was conservative she was liberal. Soon after they met they married in that same year. After they were married Steve was taught how to fly, he would regularly fly over the pacific. In 1943 Jim was born in one of many naval bases were he and Clara stayed. After the war ended he returned home to Clearwater Florida, to live nearby his parents and Jim grandparents who were extremely republican and average churchgoers. Lifestyle for Jims early life was hectic they moved frequently a typical military lifestyle; over the point of five years after Jim was born the Morrisions had two more children besides Jim. Although Jim always said his parents and siblings were dead in many interviews they were very much alive at that time. They lived in Washington D.C, and Florida to California. When Jim was five years old he was in a car traveling along with relatives along the highway near Albuquerque and Santa Fe, Jim had a life changing experience. Jim grandmother Caroline said We came upon an accident Indians were wailing And crying. Later we thought it was very unusual Because we  thought Indians didnt cry. We thought They were more stoic than that. Jimmy was very Much affected he wanted to do something. We Stopped lance (her husband), jimmy wanted To do more. He was upset, his father finally Had to say, jimmy you dreamed it didnt happen. Its not true; you just had a bad dream. Source 1-P.34 Jim said when they stopped the car dying Indians became reincarnated into his young body. This would forever change Jim Morrison life. He began to take up writing and art when he was seven. Then when he entered junior high he was exposed to new films that blew his mind. Then in 1957, in Alameda California Jim started high school He excelled in writing and art not a surprise to people who knew him. Many teachers noticed how bright Jim was beyond his years. Jim read everything he could get his hands on. Halfway between his sophomore year the Morrisons moved to Alexandria, Virginia. Jim enrolled in George Washington high school; a segrated upper middle class school. Jim began pulling himself into cartooning and writing. He had a girlfriend named Tandy that year, who lived houses three houses down who was extremely tormented by him, but it kept on her toes and it made her like him. He would say things to shock and embarrass her. Jim had his own room in the basement; he painted, self-portraits, and impressionistic paintings. He filled up notebooks with poems and songs, some songs that were later used with his work with The Doors a band he would later be the singer in. Jim took a IQ test in high school were he scored a 149, but he got bs in high school because he didnt care about his grades. Shortly after he graduated from high school Jim broke up with Tammy, and he packed up and enrolled in St Petersburg junior in Clearwater Florida living with his grandparents. When college started Jim began to get severely into alcohol. After one year, passing all of his classes he decided to enroll to Florida State to pursue majoring in theater arts. Jim made very big impressions on everyone he would meet. Jim over the summer retuned to California where his parents and siblings were living since Jim left for college. He fought with his parents that summer because he wanted to live with them but they didnt want him to but he did anyway and he enrolled in UCLA. He began to take classes in filming and directing, there thinking it would be something he wanted to do. In fact Jim began involved more into the party scene than his studies, he got a D on his  first film and it crushed his dreams of begin a filmmaker. During this time he began to write various poems that would become The Lords and New Creatures book. During one of his random parties he met a musician named Ray Manzarek, a man in a jazz band that Jim liked. Jim told everyone he knew he was going to New York after college to be a poet, after college barely graduating Jim didnt know what to do. Many nights he would spend his night sleeping on rooftops and the beach in California. One day in the august after school got out Ray ran into his friend Jim Morrison and asked him what hes been doing, Jim said he was writing. Ray asks him to read or sing something hes written Jim sings off key the song moonlight drive a popular Doors song, that would in fact make them famous but they didnt k now that yet. Ray immediately asks Jim if he wanted to start a band with him, Jim agrees. They begin to start this new band with Rays two brothers; they name the band The Doors after the book The Doors of Perception. Often very nervous on stage Jim just stood there and didnt sing very well. After they thought the band wasnt going anywhere rays brothers lefthe band. Ray and Jim met john Densmore, a drummer Whos off beat style intrigued Jim and Ray, and then they met Robby Krieger a guitarist in a jazz band at the time, they immediately asked him to join the band. They lacked a bassist but when they had practiced Ray and Jim decided they didnt need one. They began to play shows and Jims stage freight began to go away faster and faster. They released a demo with 4 songs on a 45-rpm. They began to become known as part of the California scene, along with the grateful dead and Jefferson airplane. They began to be a house band for the whisky A-go-go, a popular nightclub. They also were signed to Columbia records, although they would never released anything on that label. One night when the doors were playing at the whisky Jim began to sing something he wrote that shocked many people in that building. In the song the end a song about the end of a relationship, Jim whispered Father, yes son. I wanna kill you mother I wanna ck you. source 1, page 70. The doors were immediately fired from the whisky but a reporter wrote about it in the local paper and people were buzzing about the performance for weeks. Columbia records had dropped the band; The Doors thought this was the end for them. In fact it was the only the beginning. The Doors were signed to Electra records, two weeks after Columbia had dropped them. The Doors began recording their first album with  producer Paul Rothchild but many songs were left on the cutting board because they were not needed. Jim never wore shoes when he was recording; the studio was always lit in candles. They recorded their first album The Doors in two weeks. Never knowing it would be a complete success and put them into the media spotlight. After The Doors album was relased it had critical success and the fans were buying it, Jim was instantly a sex symbol. Their first single Light My Fire hit number 1, though it was 6 minutes long. The doors had become popular, after a year of touring and publicity, once appearing on the Ed Sullivan show, but not invited back because Jim sang a line he agreed he wouldnt sing before they went on. They began to record their second album Strange Days, this album would become another hit. Touring had become a big part of Jim met a girl name Pam Zuribca also became a part of his life; he met Pam after a show. They began a long-term relationship. She once said once that Jim was her soul mate. The Doors began to record their third album Waiting For the Sun, Jim began to capture more of his personal side as he called himself The Lizard King, the album did increasingly well again even thought the album was hard to understand but the fans still bought the records then they released The Soft Parade. Often drunk or high Jim on stage would fall or stumble he had slurred speech or wouldnt sing their popular songs. One night John said he was fed up with the band and said he was quitting but then showed up for practice the next day. The Doors were getting the reputation of an extremely rowdy band that couldnt be controlled sometimes. Some of the doors fans were teenyboppers who just didnt get the music they just knew they wanted Jim. Frustrated Jim said he was leaving the band; ray talked him into staying another six months. Jim had always wanted to be a poet he got to live out that fantasy by publishing a book called The Lords and New Creature Poems, which was originally started in high school. As Jim Morrison began to slip deeper and deeper into drugs and alcohol, the band continued to soar touch me a song from the soft parade reached number one in the untied states. In 1969 the doors went into the studio to record Morrison hotel, often very stoned Jim usually didnt know what he was singing, The Doors and their producer Paul Rothchild got more and more fed up with the band, eventually leaving. Jims appearance had changed drastically, he was no  longer the tall thin sex symbol he was a fat guy with a beard, this scared away The Doors teenybopper fans. With this tour there would become a disaster Jim often was too drunk to even sing falling on stage like a clown. One night in Miami Jim in a drunken rage continued to say the f word on stage when a police officer threatened him he would go to jail if he used it again. Jim began to ask the audience if they would like to see his penis, the crowd went wild. There was a flash some say he flashed others say he didnt. Jim was taken into police custody; The Doors were now banned in 6 states. Jim was arranged in October 1970, on the counts of lewd behavior, indecent exposure, public drunkenness, and open profanity, this was a media event, and Jim was proven guilty on all counts. He wasnt going to be sentenced till the spring of 1971. The doors still released one more album with Jim Morrison L.a. Woman; the album came out in the summer of 1970. Jim said he was quitting The Doors and fled to Paris with Pam, Pam and Jim were never married though. He became exiled, lost weight and shaved his beard. These not known to him would be his last days. Though many people still dont know if Jim Morrison really died of a heart attack on July 3, 1971 because only one doctor and Pam actually saw his body there was no autopsy. Could Jim still be alive, to escape his future jail time, or did he really die that day in a bathtub of a heart attack. Shortly after Jim died Pam died also of a heroin overdose. Jim has truly been missed, even though his music remains extremely influential today. His music and poetry will live on forever.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Meaning Of Engineering Disaster

Meaning Of Engineering Disaster The duty of the engineer is to react to people need by building or creating something along an appropriate set of guidelines. Importantly, that device, plan or creation should perform its function without any failure. Everything, nonetheless, must eventually fail to perform its given function with a sought after level of performance. Hence, the engineer must struggle to design in such a way as to avoid failure which could result in loss of property, damage to the environment of the user of that technology, and possibly injury or loss of life. Through analysis and study of engineering disasters, modern engineering designers can learn what not to do and how to create designs with less of a chance of failure. (Leveson, 1993) The history of Chernobyl nuclear power plant Chernobyl is a small town in the Ukraine near the Belarus border, with a population of 45,000. The nuclear power station of Chernobyl lies 15 kilometers to the northwest of the actual Chernobyl town. In 1986, the USSR generated roughly 10% of the worlds nuclear power from only 43 operating reactors. Together they produced 27 thousand Mega Watts of electricity. By 1986, the year of the accident, four of the reactors at the Chernobyl nuclear power station were the most modern to date Soviet reactors, the RBMK-type. Two more of these reactors were still under construction at the station. ( Aim of this topic This research can be roughly divided into three parts as follows. Firstly, a variety of opinions and different perspectives of the survey would be discussed. Then, a discussion will include the information from other related sources and analyze the survey together. Finally, a conclusion will be drawn concerning the findings of the research project; recommendations will be made with regards to future research into the issue, and limitation on this report. Literature review Overview of engineering disaster The failure into an engineering disaster There are many factors that can cause engineering disaster and much of the reason why we consider an engineering failure to be an engineering disaster has to do with public perception of risk. For example, in 1992 roughly the same number of fatalities occurred (in the United States) in transportation accidents involving airplanes (775), trains (755), and bicycles (722). Yet the public perception of the risk associated with air travel is often much higher than that for trains and certainly for bicycles. (Matousek, 1976) This stems from two reasons: (1) the large loss of life resulting from a single air crash, and (2) the air passengers lack of control over their environment in the case of air or, to a lesser degree, rail accidents. Both of these reasons results in increased fear, and hence a higher degree of perceived risk. Principle cause of engineering disaster The primary causes of engineering disasters are usually considered to be Design error Standard of the plant (depending on cost) Operating error Human lack of knowledge and skill 1.2.3 Mechanical error Management tools (Preventive maintenance) (Bernhard, 1999) How Nuclear Physics works Nuclear Fission Nuclear fission is the process whereby large, unstable atoms are split up and as a result release large amounts of energy. The most common element used for this process is called uranium. Process of nuclear reactors Nuclear fission reactions occur inside the core, producing heat. The control rods control the system by absorbing stray neutrons which in turn slows down the rate of reactions. The heat from the core is transferred to the water through conduction, which then turns into steam with a temperature of 580Â °C. The pressure of the steam turns the turbine, powering the generator. The generator converts the turning motion of the turbine into electrical energy, which now can be injected into the national electricity grid. This steam is then cooled by water from the cooling lake which then causes the steam to condense back into water. The cycle then repeats. (Ben, 2008) Pros and cons of Nuclear power plant These days, there are a great number of alternative energy that human found and nuclear energy is one of the best choice of alternative energy. On the plus side, there are many benefits of nuclear power. To begin with, it is a clean energy; therefore, it would dramatically improve the environment. For example, smoke and carbon are not contributing to greenhouse effect and consequently protect the ozone. Furthermore, nuclear power is reliable because it is use only a little uranium to make nuclear reaction which cause a great number of energy. On the other hand, nuclear technology is problematic in some ways. One of the main drawbacks of nuclear energy is that radiation can harm cells of human body; hence, it can make humans sick or even cause death, and symptom illness can affect and kill people in follow years. Dangers of radiation When unstable atoms naturally break down (decay) they release they release radioactive particles. There are three types of particles: alpha ÃŽÂ ±, beta ÃŽÂ ² and gamma ÃŽÂ ³. They are considered dangerous as they are able to ionise. They are able to change the stucture of atoms by knocking off or dragging electrons away from the atom. In humans, animals and plants, this ionising effect alters the DNA code in cells causing cell mutation. Through this, the altered cells are reproduced through cell division which may then form cancerous growthsThis radiation isnt only sourced from the site of a nuclear disaster. Poising can occur through contaminated water which then infects soil and hence food supplies. To add more to this potential problem, radioactive particles can stay hazardous for thousands of years. (Ben, 2008) The Chernobyl nuclear power plant disaster The Accident The accident at the Chernobyl nuclear reactor that occurred on 26 April 1986 was the most serious accident ever to occur in the nuclear power industry. The reactor was destroyed in the accident and considerable amounts of radioactive material were released to the environment. The accident caused the deaths, within a few weeks, of 30 workers and radiation injuries to over a hundred others. In response, the authorities immediately evacuated, in 1986, about 116,000 people from areas surrounding the reactor and subsequently relocated, after 1986, about 220,000 people from Belarus, the Russian Federation and Ukraine. The accident caused serious social and psychological disruption in the lives of those affected and vast economic losses over the entire region. Large areas of the three countries were contaminated with radioactive elements, and radionuclides were measurable in all countries of the northern hemisphere. (Alexander, 1993) The Cause of the disaster There are several factors which cause Chernobyl nuclear power disaster. 1. Human error (Operator Over-Confidence) The operators felt they were an elite crew and they had become overconfident The operators did not think carefully enough about the effects on the reactor. The operators felt under pressure to complete the test this time. 2. Design error (Safety System Inadequacies) A fault in the control system also makes the emergency shutdown unable to function. The emergency shutdown desired effect relied on the reactor being operated correctly. There had to be at least 30 control rods in the core for the emergency shutdown to work to according to standard. The reactor could not be run at low power normally. ( The Affected by the disaster One major result of the Chernobyl accident that would cause as much agony to the incident was the spread of radiation. A definite effect of the spread of the radiation was the damage it had on the Eastern European agriculture. The EC (European Community) immediately put a 90 day ban on agricultural goods from Eastern Europe. This was initially thought of as political strategy from the US as well as other Western countries. This caused the Soviet Union to take the responsibility to pay for all the damage done to the Eastern European agriculture. Post-Disaster The effects on health Chernobyl affected the health of many people throughout Russia. Altogether the total number of fatalities caused by Chernobyl stands at 31 officially. Around 600,000 however were classified as being significantly exposed and will have their health monitored their whole lives. Twenty-four people were disabled by the accident; some so severely they were left as invalids for the rest of their lives. Two-hundred thiry-eight people have suffered acute radiation syndrome. The total number of people that were in this classification is somewhere around 10,000. The official report on the number of cancer effects is as follows as prescribed by the International Nuclear Safety Advisory Group (INSAG) of the IAEA. (Vladimir, 1991) Environmental impact Besides the effects on humans, the Chernobyl disaster also dramatically affected the environment with 150 000 km2 of land contaminated with radioactive material. Mutations in both plants and animals were evident Leaves changed shape and some animals were born with deformities. Despite this, rare species of moose, birds, beavers, wolves and boars have returned in the absence of humans. (Vladimir, 1991)

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Marxism Essay -- essays research papers

In this paper, I am going to explore the differences between communism and socialism and how different the thoughts and opinions of these two ways of life are from the current western views on religion and God. To explain about the differences between socialism/communism and western thoughts on religion I will explore the writings of Karl Marx and Frederick Engels. They are founders and writers of a lot of the socialist and communist thoughts on religion and God. In our western society when we discuss God and religion, people for the most part are going to lean one way or another when it comes to their beliefs on religion. If you are from the western part of globe like myself the views and thoughts hinge on the belief of God as a superior being, a perfect one, one who controls everything that happens. The other side of the coin in western culture would be the atheist who does not believe in God at all. There are many other views about God and Religion that differ greatly from the vi ews that are held throughout the western regions of the world. In a lot of the Eastern countries of the world the teaching of the Socialist and Communist parties that rule these areas of the world has influenced the views that have been passed down and taught through out the years. Communism and Socialism do not believe in the theory that there is one perfect God and that you can only receive salvation through him. In the western religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam, God is the one and only Supreme Being, the Creator of everything. Nothing exists in the world to these religions unless God had created it. God is the omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, all good and eternal to salvation. God created the world and all its components for a purpose. God created human beings to know, to love, to honor, to serve and to obey Him. God is to be thought of in masculine terms, even though God is a pure spirit and has no material or bodily parts. Humans will be judged after death as to how well they have fulfilled God's plan for them. Those who have failed, the sinners, will be punished for eternity. Those who have succeeded will be rewarded for eternity. The exact nature of the reward or punishment is hotly disputed, but all seem to agree that those who are rewarded will be in God's presence and those who are punished will not. There are many arguments from people who do not believe... ...gard to the next world. Religion is the opium of the people, that is, it acts as a kind of painkiller. Religion makes bearable the unbearable, such as: poverty, hunger, inequality and repression that happen in the world.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Christian religion means salvation to some and to others it is only something that only resides in the thoughts of the people of that society. A Marxist would tell you that true salvation could only be achieved here on earth by working. Salvation is something that all would hope would be in the future for themselves. In this paper we have examined two differing opinions on how salvation can be achieved one was through religion and the other was the socialist way of life. The argument between societies about religion will not be settled here on earth. Who is right and who is wrong in the argument about religion? Is religion just a figment of our imagination, is it something humans made up to make us feel good about the future and our salvation. Or are the Marxists wrong, could religion be everything it is meant to be in the Christian religion. Could religion be the real salvation? These are great questions to ponder and talk about.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company

The Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company was founded by Frank Seiberling in 1898 on the Little Cuyahoga River in Akron Ohio. He borrowed thirty five hundred dollars from his brother-in-law to start the company. The company was named after Charles Goodyear who discovered the rubber vulcanization process in 1839. The company started to build their first factory in 1902 in Akron. In 1903 Paul Litchfield, a factory manager received a patent on the tubeless tire. In 1904 the company became a leader in automobile, carriage, and bicycle tires. In 1909, the company became involved in making airplane tires. Goodyear employs 73,000 people in 22 countries and operates 53 facilities globally. Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company’s mission statement is â€Å"To increase the value of our brands for everyone with market driven innovation, delivering the highest quality tires, related products and services, for our customers and consumers†. Strengths Goodyear has evolved as a leader in tire manufacturing and retreading across the globe. The company is the third largest tire company in the world with revenue surpassing twenty billion dollars. Goodyear is the best-selling tire in North America. Goodyear has very strong growth potential in all markets. This is a positive strength because competition is fierce and there is no room for error in the tire business due to the low profit margins on tires. Goodyear remains very profitable despite competition and that has Goodyear in a strong position for future plans and innovations. Goodyear has a strong liquidity position in the market. In the last couple of years Goodyear has advanced their position and had strong revenue streams to bolster their short and long term goals. Over the first three months of 2013 Goodyear’s revue was at a record 5. 5 billion dollars. Goodyear managed to achieve this even when raw materials and weaker demand was present. This demonstrates that Goodyear is financially sound, beating out competition to remain on top of tire industry and also proves its positive leadership and goals are on target in today’s market. Weakness One of Goodyear’s weaknesses is Debit. While Goodyear is seeing a rise in revenue and profits they still carry a large debit from recent years. On April 19th, 2012, Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company announced that it has completed a refinancing package of its U. S. credit facilities. These changes include increasing the company’s existing 1. 5 billion dollar existing revolving credit to two billion dollars and the maturity date has been increased to 2017. The company’s pre-existing 1. 2 billion dollar loan was extended until 2019. This is good news for Goodyear but still leaves them with a lot of debit to reduce in the future. They should be able to reduce this debit with the strong earning they are making and with new introductions of tires coming to market at this time. Another weakness of Goodyear is weaker overseas demand. As most of Europe is in a recession and many countries have severe unemployment, tire sales are down. This not just a problem for Goodyear but for all tire manufactures. Goodyear must analyze their overseas market strategy and take new measures to improve sales and remain profitable. Once a strategy can be put in place to remain a strong contender in Europe, Goodyear will see positive gains once again. Goodyear can minimize losses by reducing inventory and plant operation costs to make it more efficient than ever to keep their presence and name recognition at the forefront in the tire industry. Opportunities Goodyear has many opportunities to expand and gain market share worldwide. The Asian market is growing leaps and bounds and more people are able to purchase vehicles than ever before. The opportunities in these markets are quite great, and Goodyear will be there. With a solid global strategy, including manufacturing plants overseas, Goodyear is in a solid position with a large market presence already. Goodyear realizes the expanding market in Asia and is attacking on all sides with marketing and rebate campaigns to capitalize on the growth that is there for the taking. If Goodyear stays aggressive, they will surely reap the benefits. Another opportunity for Goodyear has been their new innovation centers in Akron Ohio and Colmer-Luxembourg. These new centers are developing new tires that are being highly praised and wanted, like the new Goodyear Assurance fuel Max tire that has 27 % less rolling resistance than conventional tires. The new Ultra grip 8 has more and stopping power than any tire on the market. With these new innovations and slim line operational costs, Goodyear is poised to be a market leader and very possibly will move up from the number three position they currently hold, and with the way the company is being run at this point, that is a definite possibility. Threats The highly competitive market is a big threat to Goodyear on all accounts. Bridgestone is the largest tire and rubber company in the world with sales over 35 billion. Michelin Tire Company is the second largest tire company in the world and both of these companies are threats to Goodyear in sear size and operation. There are other tire manufacturers, but these two are Goodyear’s biggest threats today. These large companies have great leadership and facilities to have the positions in the world market that they do and are very competitive in nature. These companies can lower prices to gain market share without making money for a short time and cut Goodyear’s market down, affecting the profits at Goodyear. Has this been done? Well nobody is pointing fingers, but there have been some fierce tire sales to accomplish increased market sales. Other threats that Goodyear faces are the lower cost tire manufactures. Other leading tire manufactures are selling tires at lower prices to gain a foothold in the market. These tires are good tires, but may lack the quality and reliability of a Goodyear tire. However with a tight economy, people sometimes will go with a cheaper tire to save money even if the tire will not give them the mileage and quality of a Goodyear. These companies can affect the over market share and profit at Goodyear. At a time when things are tough, people may choose these lower cost tires over Goodyear’s product, but Goodyear also has lower cost tires on the market to combat this, such as Dunlop and Kelly-Springfield brands. Summary Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company can capitalize in any market for tires, from high performance tires to lower priced economical tires. Goodyear has strong liquidity, multiple manufacturing plants and retreading facilities around the globe to compete in a very competitive market and has done well in the last couple of years in reducing operational costs and offering tire rebates, to place them in a great position for future growth. If Goodyear holds to its mission statement of delivering high quality tires at a great value, Goodyear will continue to prosper. References Goodyear Corporate website (2012). Retrieved from: Cars Direct, (2009, August 17). Retrieved from: companies-out-there Ranker, (2012), Retrieved from: TR & W, (2010) Retrieved from: Market (2009, December, 31) Retrieved from: Consumer reports, (2012, April), Retrieved from: Event Brief of Q1 2012 Goodyear Tire & Rubber Earnings Conference Call – Final Fair Disclosure Wire (2012, April). Quarterly Earnings Reports. Retrieved from: Database: Points of View Reference Center

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The Role of Ethical Theories in Handling Practical Problems in Medical Ethics

The Role of Ethical Theories in Handling Practical Problems in Medical Ethics Introduction There is variation between what feels right and what is right. This is the basic principle that brings about the considerations of ethics in whatever activity man engages in. We should not only do what feels right but also do the right thing as a way of upholding the ethical standards expected of us all.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Role of Ethical Theories in Handling Practical Problems in Medical Ethics specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More There are quite a number of platforms where strict ethical considerations must be incorporated in order to come up with plausible results that will not have negative impacts on the conscience of both the decision makers and their subjects. It is important to note, therefore, that decisions instigated by ethics are not just what feel right to us as the decision makers but what are right for both us and whoever our decisions would have impacts on. The significance o f ethics has become apparent in the general practices that we engage ourselves in. Therefore, it is wrong to assume that ethics only apply in death and life matters in the professional lives of medical practitioners. Many have since thought that ethical considerations only apply in issues of abortion, euthanasia and contraception. On the contrary, ethical considerations must be incorporated in practically every medical consultation (Pence, 2007). This is inconsiderate of whether medical examinations will follow or not. It must be noted that the dignity of patients has to be upheld in the process of either medical consultation or examination. Additionally, practitioners must understand the specific expectations needs of patient in relation to their medical complications as a mode of improving both the physical and mental outcomes of their interaction with patients. This paper is a discussion of whether ethical theories have an imperative role to play in addressing practical complicat ions in medical ethics or not. It also includes a detailed discussion on how the general ethical considerations are supposed to be incorporated in medical practices in order to foster decisions that have the best impacts on both the decision makers and the parties on whom the decisions made would have impacts. In the discussion, I will agree with the fact that ethical theories are indeed important in addressing practical complications in medical ethics. How are we supposed to make ethical decisions? People have, in most occasions, made decisions on an intuitive basis. This means that they have made decisions that feel right to them. However, this approach of decision making has quite a number of setbacks. For instance, there is always no guaranteed success of this approach in cases where the decision makers had never met a similar complication before.Advertising Looking for essay on health medicine? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Lea rn More This is because the consequences of the decisions made remain uncertain until they are actually manifested. That notwithstanding, decisions instigated by mere intuitions might be difficult to defend if challenged. This is purely because someone’s feeling may contradict totally with the societal ethical standards (Palmer, 2008). The different moral theories make one understand and evaluate the consequences of the decisions he or she is yet to make in relation to medical complications. I will base my arguments and rational decisions that need to be made concerning medical complications on basic ethical theories. These theories include consequentialism, deontology and principlism. It is imperative that rational decisions are made in virtually all occasions of medical complications. These decisions need not only to conform to the feelings of the parties involved but also to the societal norms and their guiding principles. The theory of concequentialism is based on the fact that the consequences of each course of action are the only things that matter as far as rational decision making is concerned (Pence, 2007). As a matter of fact, only positive consequences that guarantee the happiness of both parties involved in a medical complication are needed. For this reason, we can note, therefore, that this theory focuses on decisions that will only yield positive outcomes; outcomes that will please everyone involved. A good example of a medical complication that has sparked numerous ethical concerns is the intake of contraceptives. Even though this has been a topic of discussion for quite some time, it is important to take into consideration the fact that its utilization yields positive outcomes (Pence, 2007). For instance, the use of contraceptives controls the size of a family hence making it relatively manageable. This applies especially to middle and low class families. This is a sign of happiness because all the members in the family become co ntented as opposed to when the family is larger but with the same income (Palmer, 2008).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Role of Ethical Theories in Handling Practical Problems in Medical Ethics specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More However, not everyone agrees with the fact that the use of contraceptives brings happiness to both its users and prescribers. Others may argue that is it difficult to measure the degree of happiness in such scenarios. This is because someone may be offended by what makes another man happy. That aside, the critics of this theory also argue that the expected good consequences of a decision may turn out to be unexpectedly bad. For example, the effects of contraceptives on the bodies of their consumers may be harmful hence surpassing the perceived positive consequences. This, according to critics, explains the difficulty in banking so much on perceived positivity of decisions. Critics say tha t concequentialism may also compel people to resort to bizarre solutions with the aim of ensuring that all parties involved are happy (Pence, 2007). Deontology, as opposed to concequentialism, states that what should be important in decisions are not their consequences but moral obligations that prompt us into making the decision. The decisions made in line with this theory take into account moral duties and not their consequences. There are basic moral duties that form the foundation of deontology. They include the moral duties of not harming others, being kind to them, always telling the truth and keeping promises. Others include fair judgment and being thankful for assistance offered. In the case of a hospital with three patients; two of whom need heart and liver transplant respectively and the last one healing from an attempted suicide, one would argue that the patient who attempted to take away his life should be killed and his organs given to the other patients who want to liv e. It is not morally upright to kill a person even if that will save the lives of two or more people. This illustrates the significance of ignoring the consequences of a decision and focusing on its moral acceptance. The patients in this case should be left to heal through means that will not violate the societal ethical value of not inflicting harm to others. In the event that the two patients that need organ transplant are unable to find compatible donors, the other patient who wants to die must not be denied the right to live if he still has the chance to, all in the name of yielding positive results without taking into account the moral consequences (Pence, 2007).Advertising Looking for essay on health medicine? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More A critic will argue that no moral duty should be considered as absolute. They say that the moral duties, however, should be followed to their latter until a pressing one surfaces. This implies that these duties only apply in other occasions but are overlooked when better options come along inconsiderate of the grave consequences of the other better options. Others have also argued that the moral duties are only valid to those that believe in them. Just like religious people depend on their faith for some answers and non-religious people do not believe in their faith, other people too do not follow moral duties simply because they do not believe in them. They say that the origin of the laws encrypted in the moral duties is uncertain (Palmer, 2008). The theory of principlism amalgamates just actions with the principle that preaches no harm to others. It also fosters autonomy and the act of doing well to others. Philosophers have since argued that these four principles can play an impe rative role in tackling virtually any ethical problem that may arise. For this reason, this theory can as well be applied in handling medical ethics and their related complications. Just like other theories, this too has faced criticism. People have it pinned down by disapproving of its validity as an ethical theory. They say it is a mere amalgamation of principles that are already incorporated in other theories (Palmer, 2008). Conclusion In conclusion, therefore, ethical theories play an imperative role in addressing practical problems in medical ethics. They assist in the making of rational decisions that are not only aimed at yielding positive results but also ensuring that all the parties involved are satisfied. Medical practitioners should apply ethical theories in every step of their decision making process in order to shun cases of incomprehensible medical decisions (Pence, 2007). References Palmer, M. F. (2008). Moral problems in medicine: A practical coursebook. Cambridge: Lutterworth Press. Pence, G. E. (2007). Classic cases in medical ethics: Accounts of cases that have shaped medical ethics, with philosophical, legal, and historical backgrounds. Boston: McGraw-Hill.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Sugar essays

Sugar essays I thought the performance of the actors and actresses in the play Sugar was an electricifying and exciting piece of theatre performance. Although, my theatre experience is limited to attending live performances, I so really enjoyed myself at the theatre. The personal exchange of chemistry between performer and audience was magical and left me with sheer excitement and amusement for live theatre. It created a special relationship to my spirit, Theatre the lively art. Though the atmosphere was just a final dress rehearsal for opening night, it felt as if it was opening night to me. Being in the outdoors, inside the amphitheatre, on a beautiful spring night with a chill in the air, reminded me of Chicago the Windy City. When the curtains were open and the lights came on it seem as if the stage came to life, with all of the performers bringing their characters alive. The very air itself moved with the electricity of expectation from scene to scene. All of the performers onstage presented their character in dramatic action and moved in ways that convey an image of the person they were portraying. The transformation which took place between the performer and character was amazing for my eyes to behold. One of my favorite performers and they were a few, was Deane Calvin who played Sweet Sue. In addition to her native talent, Ms. Calvin was poised and had a present of authority onstage with her character. She used both her voice and physical training with flexibility and control. Ms. Calvin was able to make her voice heard in a large theatre even when speaking in a regular tone. Also, Ms. Calvin created believability and showed lots of emotional truth to the character she was portraying. I believe Ms. Calvin expressed the emotion and thoughts of how Sweet Sue was thinking and feeling when it came to running her business in the prohibition time of the 20s. Another performer that caught my attenti ...